Laurel Pulford

Laurel Pulford is a renaissance artist originating from Columbia, Maryland and now based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their work spans many creative mediums including but never limited to film photography, illustrative designs, abstract painting and drawing, and poetry. 

Nature, in its serene grandeur and surreal tranquility, stands as both mentor and muse, imparting lessons that extend beyond the canvas. These profound encounters with nature's harmony and calm have not only shaped Laurel's personal equilibrium but also woven their essence into the very fabric of their creative endeavors. Always striving to resonate a sense of authenticity and vulnerability, Laurel uses creative outlets as a form of processing their own experiences and queries into the human condition. Currently, Laurel is most intrigued and informed by the emotional experiences generated by the naturally occurring relationships between shape and color. Laurel’s work is characterized by its emotional depth and sensitivity, inviting viewers to contemplate the simple and intricate beauty of the world around us. 

Overall, Laurel Pulford is an artist whose work is both intimate and expansive, evoking a sense of wonder and contemplation. Their commitment to exploring the beauty and complexity of nature and the human experience is evident in everything they create, and their work invites viewers to reflect on their own experiences and engage with the world in a more mindful way.

Upcoming Markets

Ogden Farmers Market - Ogden, UT   

Aug 19 - Sep 2 - Sep 9

Craft Lake City   -  SLC, UT 

Aug 11 - Aug 12 - Aug 13




Email Laurel for commissions, questions, feedback, etc.